There were strong reports/ rumours in Delhi that Shazia Ilmi, the star spokesperson of the AAP party in Delhi, is set to join the BJP. She was even slated to be contesting in Delhi against Kejriwal himself.
Shazia had not been available to either confirm or deny the news, because no one knew where to trace her.
She has suddenly surfaced with the following tweet ” Was invited to speak at the National Defence College. Couldn’t take media calls. I am not contesting from New Delhi or elsewhere. Calm down folks.”
Was invited to speak at the National Defence College .Cdnt take media calls. Im not contesting from New Delhi or elsewhere Calm down folks
— shazia ilmi (@shaziailmi) January 14, 2015
It is very interesting that she mentions nothing about whether she is quitting AAP and joining BJP or not – she only says she is not going to be contesting elections; nothing about her political leanings of the moment.