It’s raining bashes in the party circuit of Nagpur. The red hot celebration nerve of the city youngsters have picked up. In most of these events the city’s lads and beautiful ladies are seen flaunting their vibrant side too high. An online photography contest mainly organized by Prateek Ghogare too was no different. Prateek along with his mates Samiksha Khapekar and Dj Samuel planned this theme party. The crowd enjoyed the music, where the ‘Tomorrowland’ Theme reflects all its hues and energies.
The bash unfolded at Café Mocha, the pleasant ambience of which added to all the glitz and glamour. The presence of city Tattoo artist Jitendra Bharadwaj along with his exotic ink grabbed attention of all the party animals to such an extent that many of them got them inked right on the spot.
The season of monsoon added to the fervor under the mocha roof, as the rains drizzled outside. The keen crowd grooved to the gripping tracks played by Dj Samuel. Loud music made the music lovers lose control and have a blast!