Aamir Khan, who is known to do things differently and in public welfare, has hired locals from Ludhiana for work on his upcoming movie ‘Dangal’. Since the shooting of the movie will take place in the city, the actor has made sure to hire the locals. The movie is all set to go on floors and Aamir now has a new set of security guards. Since it is Aamir Khan’s home production, he has tried to hire maximum people from the city in various departments. People with no prior knowledge about Shoots have also been taken on board and will be working with professionals. Aamir Khan will play a wrestler and father in ‘Dangal’. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, the movie also features Sakshi Tanwar and Rajkummar Rao.
Published On :
Sat, Sep 12th, 2015
By Nagpur Today