In a shocking incident, Aam Aadmi Party’s trade wing secretary, Sandeep Bhardwaj was found dead at his Rajouri Garden residence, on Thursday, said police.
As per reports, Bhardwaj was taken to “Kukreja hospital” by one of his friends.
“A PCR call was received from Kukreja Hospital, Rajouri garden at 4.40 PM that one person Sandeep Bhardwaj s/ o Naresh Bhardwaj R/0 B 10/15, Rajouri garden Delhi Age 55 yrs has been brought dead due to hanging at residence. Crime team has been called at the place,” informed police.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal expressed grief over Bhardwaj’s death and offered condolences.
“Extremely saddened by the sudden death of Aam Aadmi Party worker Sandeep Bhardwaj in Delhi. May God give his soul a place at his holy feet. My condolences to his family members in this hour of grief and the entire party stands with the family members of Sandeep ji in this difficult time,” tweeted CM Kejriwal.