Nagpur: The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has filed a chargesheet against total 12 persons including five officials in Gosikhurd Irrigation Project corruption case. ABC team in its departments special court filed a 4500 page chargesheet on Tuesday.
There were lot of alleged irregularities found by ACB during the investigation in the tenders floated for Mokhaburdi Lift Irrigation scheme under Gosikhurd Project. In the chargsheet it has been mentioned that the people involved were hand in glove in this corruption.
The chargesheet has been filed against Gosikhurd National Irrigation Project’s Chief Engineer and Revaluation Committee Member Sopan Ramrao Suryawanshi, Executive Engineer Umashankar Wasudeo Parvate, Senior Divisional Accountant Chandan Tulshiram Jibhkate, Retd Executive Director Devendra Parshuram Shirke, Superintending Engineer Dilip Deorao Pohekar, R J Shah Company and D Thakkar Construction Company’s Director Kalindi Rajendra Shah, Tejaswini Rajendra Shah, Vishal Pravin Thakkar, Pravin Nathalal Thakkar, Jagir Pravin Thakkar, Arun Kumar Gupta, Rameshkumar Soni. The hearing will take place in ACB’s special court on Thursday in front of Additonal Session Judge A C Raut. In this case Government Pleader is Adv Nitin Telgote.