Nagpur: In a significant development, the Nagpur Bench of the Bombay High Court has granted bail to Ghanshyam Sudhakar Uikey, the prime suspect in the murder of Rajni Pendam, with whom he shared a live-in relationship. The brutal incident occurred in the Kalamna Police Station jurisdiction in November 2022.
Rajni Pendam’s lifeless body was discovered on November 28, 2022, in a field adjacent to Pavangaon Kamptee Road. Kalamna police promptly registered a case and launched an extensive investigation. Reports indicate that Rajni had abandoned her matrimonial ties to cohabit with Ghanshyam for a period of three years.
Tragically, on November 27, 2022, a heated altercation between the couple escalated, culminating in Ghanshyam allegedly strangling Rajni to death.
Assisted by his brother, Ghanshyam then purportedly disposed of the victim’s remains along Kamptee Road. Following his apprehension, Ghanshyam had been held in custody pending trial.
Justice M W Chandwani presided over the case and subsequently approved the bail application after careful consideration of arguments presented by both the defense and prosecution. Advocates Mangesh Raut and Nazia Pathan skillfully represented the accused during the proceedings.