Actress and model Gehana Vasisth was arrested on Saturday by property cell unit of Mumbai crime branch for her role in shooting and uploading porn videos on her website. Mumbai crime branch on Thursday raided a bungalow in Madh Island, Malad and busted a live porn video film making racket and rescued one woman. The police had called Vasisth for investigations in the same case. She was questioned by police on Saturday afternoon and later placed under arrest.
Vasisth has worked in Hindi and Telugu cinema and also several advertisements. The police have evidence that she shot 87 obscene/porn videos and uploaded them on her websites. “The website requires a subscription of Rs 2,000. She will be produced in court on Sunday,” said an official.
Police said they have stumbled upon the involvement of more models, actresses and some production houses which edited and uploaded the film shot by arrested accused on mobile apps and websites. Since the case has come to light, three more victims have complained to the police that they were forced into doing roles in porn films.
In Thursday’s raid at Green Park bungalow at Madh Island in Malad, police arrested Yasmin Beg Khan alias Rowa, Pratibha Nalawade, Monu Gopaldas Joshi, Bhanusuryam Thakur and Mohammed Ali alias Saify. A victim was rescued during the raid and has been sent for rehabilitation. The police seized three bank accounts in which there was a balance of Rs 36 lakh, generated through subscriptions of their apps.