Nagpur: The Additional General Manager of Central Railway A K Shrivastav arrived in city on Wednesday on an inspection visit. The Additional General Manager, during his inspection, visited the Narrow Gauge Museum in Motibagh and also inspected the diamond crossing. Later, Shrivastav inspected the Guardline-based Triveni Running Room and planted a sapling there. Next on the inspection were Homeland Platform No. 8, Drop and Go Parking and Rail Canteen Stall at Nagpur Railway Station. He also reviewed the ongoing and completed development works.
After the inspection round, the Additional General Manager held a meeting with Divisional railway Manager, and other senior officials of Central Railway. Speaking on the occasion, Shrivastav directed the officials to be active towards welfare of the railway employees. Welfare of employees will lead to improvement in railway working. He also stressed on increase in freight operations for increasing revenue of Nagpur Division.
The Additional General Manager of Central Railway A K Shrivastav also held discussions with Chairman-cum-Managing Director of Western Coalfields Rajiv Ranjan Mishra. Both the officials stressed on the need of better coordination between the two departments.