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Nagpur: After the exercise of local body elections gets over another exercise to expand State Cabinet and fill up plum posts in various Boards, Corporations could be in the offing. The leaders and workers who give their “best” to ensure “handsome” victories for BJP in the civic polls could be rewarded with ministerial and ‘Mahamandal’ gifts in the form of plum posts. So, the local body elections could be an “acid test” for aspiring leaders and workers and they should not leave any stone unturned for party’s sterling show.
Currently, the ruling party – BJP – is fighting a battle of sorts on ticket distribution front. For the civic polls such as NMC and BMC elections, dozens of aspirants lined for tickets. There are 20-25 hopefuls for one seat as the interview process witnessed. Secondly, striking the alliance is creating bad blood between the BJP and its partner in government, Shiv Sena. Some leaders and workers of both the parties are vociferously demanding fighting the civic polls separately. Solo contest fulfills the aspirations of ticket seekers, is the line of thinking.
In the event of BJP scoring major victories in the February elections to Municipal Corporations and Zilla Parishads, the leaders and workers who toiled hard could be rewarded with ministerial births or plum posts in various Boards and Corporations on merits. At present, many party leaders and workers are busy in their first job – February 3 Graduates and Teachers Constituency elections for Legislative Council (MLC).
These ‘aspiring’ leaders of BJP could be vying with each other or even checkmating each other to be ahead in the race for occupying the plum posts in Boards or Corporations . The plum posts in Boards are of Minister of State level hence the lure to grab the posts is very strong among the aspirants.