Nagpur: The Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Thursday said that BJP tasted unprecedented success in the four State Assembly elections held recently. In Goa, the victory under the leadership of Devendra Fadnavis, will not stop in Goa itself. The saffron flag will also be unfurled in Maharashtra as well, Gadkari declared.
Gadkari was speaking at a public meeting organised after welcoming Fadnavis who returned to Nagpur after ensuring a grand victory in Goa polls. “The highlight of the victories in four State Assembly polls is that people voted to BJP cutting across castes, religions, language for their better future,” the Union Minister asserted.
The former Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition in State Assembly Devendra Fadnavis launched a scathing attack on rival parties. “These rival parties were hoping for a BJP rout in the Assembly polls of the five States. They were saying that BJP would be wiped out when the results are declared on March 10. However, when the results were announced, one party lost in Uttar Pradesh while another lost in Goa. Their dream remained a dream,” Fadnavis said, adding the dreams of opposition parties remained “Mungerilal Ke Haseen Sapne” because the Congress and other rival parties have been disconnected with the people.
“When Shiv Sena and NCP came together in Goa, I told the media that the fight of Shiv Sena and NCP in Goa was against NOTA and not against BJP,” Fadnavis sarcastically said. Taking a jibe at Shiv Sena-NCP, he taunted that had these two parties garnered more votes than NOTA, they would have won the polls. But both the parties together got less votes than NOTA.