Department of Electrical Engineering, Govindrao Wanjari College of Engineering and Technology (GWCET) in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), GWCET had organized an AICTE – ISTE Approved online 3rd International Conference on “Recent Trends in Science, Engineering & Technology” from 7th February 2022 to 9th February 2022.
The conference talk was streamed on Zoom Application. Eminent Speakers from various parts of globe were invited for this Online International Conference.
The Chief Guest for the Inaugural function of this conference was Dr Anant Dhatrak, Executive Council Member, ISTE New Delhi, Maharashtra and Goa region.
In conference, Dr Geev Mokryani, Associate Professor from University of Bradford, United Kingdom, Dr Vijay Nimbarte from Max Planck Institute of Medical Research, Germany, Mr. Raghunathan Karthik, Senior Scientist, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur and Dr Sant Sharan Pathak, Ex Professor, IIT Kharagpur were present for sharing their knowledge on various topics related to recent technology.
Dr. Salim Chavan, Principal, GWCET and Convener of the Online International Conference guided Mr. Avishkar. V. Wanjari, Head of Electrical Engineering Department for successful completion of this conference.
Hon. Dr. Suhasini Wanjari, President, Amar Sewa Mandal, Hon. Adv. Abhijit Wanjari, MLC and Secretary Amar Sewa Mandal, Hon.Dr. Smeetaa. A. Wanjarri, Senate Member RTMNU & Treasurer, Amar Sewa Mandal encouraged and appreciated the committee members for successful conduction of the conference.
Organising Team Members Prof Radha Chimurkar, Prof Sharda Ishwarkar, Dr. Sunil Ikharkar, Prof. Ashwini. S. Deshmukh, Prof. Manoj Wairalkar, Prof. Mohammad Imran Khan, Prof. Ravi Wakodikar, Prof. Ashish .P .Nayak and Prof. Leena. A. Yelmule worked hard for successful conduction of the International Conference.