We were quite intrigued when it was announced that Neeraj Pandey has cast Sidharth Malhotra and Manoj Bajpayee for his next film. And the title, Aiyaary just added to all the intrigue. Things became even more interesting when Pandey got his favourites – Anupam Kher and Naseeruddin Shah on board. So when you have such powerhouses working on a project, the results have to be nothing short of epic, no? And after watching the trailer of Aiyaary, which has been dropped upon us today, we can tell you, this one is definitely going to get all the rave reviews, just like any other Neeraj Pandey movie.
The trailer offers an interesting insight into the world of army surveillance. It keeps you guessing right till the very end as to who is right and who is the traitor. You can see Manoj Bajpayee’s character at loggerheads with that of Sidharth Malhotra’s character. However, the irony is that it is the former that has trained the latter. And when even the trailer is so riveting, the film will be a guaranteed edge-of-the-seat thriller. What can we say? It screams Neeraj Pandey right from the first frame. Watch the trailer of Aiyaary right here: