Renowned actor-director-producer-writer Neeraj Vora passed away this morning. He was 54. The actor reportedly had been in a coma since 2016 after suffering a stroke. This news has been confirmed as per reports on Indian Express – Neeraj Vora died today at 3 am in Criti Care hospital in Juhu. He had been in coma and living at Firoz Nadiadwala’s place. When his condition deteriorated in the night, he was taken to the hospital, where he breathed his last.”
He was part of shows like Circus and Choti Badi Baatein. He was also part of Holi, a film by Ketan Mehta. he also contributed significantly to Gujarati Theatre. He even wrote scripts for films, Rangeela to name one of them. He went on act in the film when an actor needed for a shot was absent. Soon after multiple opportunities followed. His films include Mann, Chori Chori Chupke Chupke, Josh, Badshah, Virasat and Awara Paagal Deewana. Celesb and fans are saddened by his demise:
One of the main reasons behind my foray into comedy, saddened to hear about the demise of #NeerajVora a multi-talented man, writer, director, actor…a mini industry by himself, learnt so much from him. RIP
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 14, 2017
Saddened by the demise of Neeraj Vora. An energetic and creative personality, he will be remembered for his films and warm nature. My thoughts are with his family and admirers in this sad hour.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 14, 2017
Shocked & saddened to hear of the demise of #Neerajvora ji! Had cast me for Golmaal 1 & directed me in the unreleased Run Bhola Run! RIP sir
— Tusshar (@TusshKapoor) December 14, 2017
Like a common man The @PMOIndia @narendramodi stands in the queue to cast his vote in #Ahmedabad today. #GujaratFinalPoll #GujaratElection2017
— MADHUR BHANDARKAR (@MadhurFanClub) December 14, 2017
#NeerajVora always smiling. Always jovial. Always made the world smile. RIP Neerajji.
— kunal kohli (@kunalkohli) December 14, 2017
The funeral rites took place at 3 pm in Santa Cruz on Thursday.