Shah Rukh Khan perhaps meant Akshay Kumar in Padman when he asked you to not underestimate the power of the Common Man in Chennai Express. Why do we say so, you ask? Well, one look at Akshay’s boy-next-door avatar in the stills of the film will make things evident for you. Right from his crisply ironed plain cotton shirt, a pair of beige trousers and that slicked-back oiled hair – Akshay wants to fool you into believing he is just another commoner.
However, we know he is anything but, in this film where he plays a crusader for the women of his village by helping them deal with the travails of menstruation in a dignified manner. (Also read: 2.0 and Padman will NOT clash in Jan 2018, confirms Akshay Kumar).
The stills released offer a taste of what can be expected of the film. And from what we surmised, it will be in the slice-of-life space, where we will see Akshay’s character, based on Arunachalam Muruganantham, bring about a revolution in his village by providing cheap and hygienic sanitary napkins to the women. In these stills, he looks like just another villager, who struggles to make ends meet. But well, we know that there is more to it than meets the eye. Let’s check out the stills one by one. In the first still, we can see Akshay posing for a picture with his onscreen wife, Radhika Apte. Both Akshay and Radhika are posing just like most villagers do – with much seriousness. Radhika, too, is looking the part of a bumbling village belle. Simplicity suits her so much. However, the other still is much more candid. Here, Akshay is seen sharing frame with Sonam Kapoor.