Akshay Kumar has reportedly dropped out of Mogul, the Gulshan Kumar biopic. According to a report, he wanted some changes in the script. His suggestions were completely ignored by director Subhash Kapoor.
“Akshay has some concerns over the script that director Subhash Kapoor has greenlit. He requested that a few things be rewritten. But, Subhash was adamant,” according to a source.
The creative differences kept growing, and finally Akshay opted out of the film.
The film was supposed to release next year, and Akshay had even posted a picture of the film on his Instagram.
Director Subhash Kapoor and the Akshay have already worked together. They had collaborated for this year’s courtroom drama Jolly LLB 2, which featured Akshay as a struggling lawyer from Lucknow.
Akshay has two films to look forward to next year, which are Padman and 2.0.