Nagpur: The Indian Meteorological Department has issued a forecast predicting heavy rain, storms, and thunderstorms for Nagpur district from July 18 to July 21, 2024. A Yellow Alert has been issued for July 18 and 21, while an Orange Alert has been issued for July 19 and 20, indicating the likelihood of extremely heavy rainfall on those dates.
In response to this forecast, the District Disaster Management Authority has urged citizens to take necessary precautions. Residents are advised to remain indoors during thunderstorms, avoid carrying mobile phones, and turn off electrical appliances. It is crucial not to take shelter under trees or work in fields during such weather. Instead, seek safety in secure locations.
The authority also advises citizens to avoid risky activities at water tourism spots and to refrain from entering water bodies. Even experienced swimmers are cautioned against swimming in these conditions. Furthermore, residents should avoid crossing bridges or roads submerged in water, whether on foot or by vehicle.
Citizens are encouraged to take all necessary precautions to protect themselves, their families, and their friends. Compliance with instructions issued by the administration is essential for safety.
All residents and farmers in the district are urged to adhere to government guidelines and remain vigilant.
In case of emergency Citizens can contact Nagpur District Control Room, District Collector’s Office, Nagpur
Contact No: 0712-2562668