Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, Bollywood’s new favourite rumoured couple of the block, may have avoided arriving together at the Ambani party last night but that Ranbir’s mother Neetu Kapoor did not really hold back from publicly approving Alia’s look for the night. Alia Bhatt, who briefly posed for the shutterbugs before entering though the doors of Antilia, opted for a custom made brocade saree from the studios of Manish Malhotra and paired it with pretty kaan baalis from the shelves of Amrapali.
As final touch-up, she wore her hair in a bun and layered it with gajra and added just a bindi to complete the traditional look. Done prepping for the evening, Alia had a “palat!” sort of a moment before stepping out and Instagrammed the click. Neetu Kapoor was one of the first ones to take notice and she totally okayed the look with a single emoji.
Here’s what Alia Bhatt posted last evening – her photo is crazy viral now, with over 12 lakh ‘likes’ in a little over half a day.
Dating rumours about Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor escalated after the duo made a couple’s entry at Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja’s reception party. The Internet is generally intrigued about Neetu Kapoor’s interest in Alia Bhatt’s social media activities because Neetu’s relationship with Ranbir’s previous girlfriends Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif were reported to have been not as cordial as it appears with Alia. In 2014, Neetu was said to have cropped out Katrina from a family photo, which a section of the Internet debates over saying that the one claimed as original is actually photoshopped.
The Ambanis hosted a grand pre-engagement party for Akash Ambani and his fiancee Shloka Mehta on Thursday, which was also attended by Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, and others.