Nagpur: Amid the 2-day curfew which kickstarted on Saturday in Nagpur, the city saw a significant rise in the number of Covid-19 positive patients. As many as 150 people were tested positive whereas 6 people succumbed to the dreaded virus.
However, 85 patients were discharged after successfully recovering from coronavirus on Saturday.
Among the positive patients included 31 from Mayo, 13 from Medical,19 from AIIMS, 25 from Mafsu, 22 from private laboratories whereas rapid antigen test resulted in 40 samples coming positive.
Following the latest development the total number of infected patients have now reached to 3837. Including the toll on Saturday, the total number of deaths have peaked to 76 in Nagpur, since the outbreak of the pandemic in the city.
Sources reported that a 35 year old man who was admitted to Mayo’s ICU ward after sustaining critical head injuries in an accident was subjected to rapid antigen test. His report turned out to be positive. Later he died of breathlessness. In another incident, a 62 year old deceased, who resided in Amravati was suffering from trouble in the lungs. Another 46 year old man who died was admitted to medical hospital whereas another deceased was being treated outside district.