Nagpur: Amit Kumar Srivastav,an Indian Telecommunication Services (ITS) officer joined at Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) last day.
He Is a graduate (B.E.) in Electronoics & Telecommunications from Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College,Gorakhpur & Post Graduate (M.Tech) in Integerated Electronics & Circuits (VLSI) from I.I.T. Delhi.
Sri Srivastav worked in various capacities in DOT/BSNL at Mandi, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) Gonda,Kanpur (Uttarpradesh) Guwahati (Assam) and Nagpur after selection in I.T.S. (Indian Telecommunication Services) 96 batch through engineering services exam conducted by UPSC for Gr. ‘A’ services.Earlier to this he worked as Design Engineer in Cypress Semiconductors Ltd. Banglore, from Jan 97 to Dec 97,associated with the design of memory chips.