Lucknow: A village in Uttar Pradesh has started giving toilets saffron colour. Kripalpur village is in Samajwadi Party chief and former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav’s home district Etawah. Village Pradhan (head) Ved Pal has got toilets painted in saffron colour, raising some eyebrows in the political circles.
“They (Bharatiya Janata Party) have government in Uttar Pradesh and at the Centre. When offices are being painted in saffron colour then what is the fuss if toilets have been painted with saffron colour,” Pal said.
He informed that 350 toilets have been constructed as a dvelopment and all would be given saffron colour.
“There is no government order in this regard. Right now we have painted 100 toilets with saffron colour and rest 250 will also be painted with saffron colour,” the village head said.
He also said that there should not be any politics over it as the decision has been taken after due consultation with the villagers.The village head also said that there is no law which says only a particular colour should be given to the toilets. Kripalpur is known as a bastion of the Samajwadi Party.