Tiger Zinda Hai shooting done. Salman Khan is all set for Race 3, his forthcoming film with choreographer-turned-director Remo D’Souza. The film went on floors on Thursday. Remo shared the clapboard on social media and wrote, “The biggest Race of my life begins. #Race3Begins #Race3.” It is the third film in Race franchise. Saif Ali Khan headlined both the previous films while Remo D’Souza takes over stewardship of Race 3 from director duo Abbas-Mustan. Jacqueline Fernandez, Daisy Shah, Saqib Saleem and Bobby Deol are also part of the film. Race 3 is Jacqueline’s second film in the franchise. Produced by Ramesh Taurani, Race 3 will be Salman Khan’s next year Eid offering.
Here’s Remo D’Souza’s tweet.
The biggest Race of my life begins:) #Race3Begins#Race3pic.twitter.com/YqTDV2xnAF
— Remo D’souza (@remodsouza) November 9, 2017.
It has been reported that Daisy Shah, Saqib Saleem and Bobby Deol shot for an action sequence while Salman and Jacqueline, co-stars of 2014 film Kick, will start filming in sometime. “Even though they don’t start filming their portions until November 12, Salman and Jacqueline were there for the mahurat shot,” producer Ramesh Taurani said, adding that the first 25-day schedule in Mumbai will be all action and no romance. “The songs will be shot only in the next schedule.”
Daisy, Saqib and Bobby Deol trio shared their ‘excitement’ about working in Race 3 via videos posted by Tips Films & Music’s Twitter handle.
The first Race film, featuring Saif, Akshaye Khanna, Bipasha Basu, Katrina Kaif, Anil Kapoor and Sameera Reddy opened in 2008 while John Abraham, Deepika Padukone, Jacqueline Fernandez and Ameesha Patel were the new additions to the cast in the second part, which released in 2013.