Nagpur: Former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh has made a significant claim regarding an FIR filed by the CBI in connection with the Jalgaon case. Deshmukh stated that the CBI could raid his residence and arrest him at any moment. He made this statement while criticizing Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, asserting that he is prepared for any action that may be taken against him.
During a press briefing at his residence on Tuesday, Deshmukh expressed his readiness for any legal proceedings, as the political feud between him and Fadnavis continues to escalate. Deshmukh has repeatedly accused Fadnavis of framing him with false charges.
Referring to the Jalgaon case, Deshmukh claimed that the CBI had reopened a four-year-old case to target him. The case involves allegations against BJP leader Girish Mahajan. Deshmukh is accused of pressuring the police to file charges and arrest Mahajan. “I have received information that the CBI may soon raid my home or arrest me,” Deshmukh said, making a bold assertion.
Lashing out at Fadnavis, the NCP leader stated, “Devendra Fadnavis, with the help of his allies in the CBI and ED, has dragged state politics to a very low level.” He added, “Let Fadnavis take whatever action he deems necessary. I am fully prepared to face it.”