The Anil Deshmukh case has once again taken a new turn. The ED team reached Nagpur at 4 am last Sunday and from there reached his ancestral residence in search of former Maharashtra Home Minister and NCP leader Anil Deshmukh. In fact, some of Anil Deshmukh’s ancestral properties are in Katol and Vadvihira villages near Nagpur. A team of three to four ED men raided the two places but neither Anil Deshmukh nor his wife Aarti Deshmukh were found at these places. Anil Deshmukh is an MLA from Katol.
In view of this, during the ED raid, his supporters gathered outside his Residence in Katol and Vadvihira and started shouting slogans. All of them were saying in their manifesto that Anil Deshmukh was being harassed in the name of investigation. Not only that, but the supporters were shouting many more slogans. During this time, Neither Anil Deshmukh nor any member of his family met. Let me tell you that Anil Deshmukh is currently on the ED radar in the money laundering and rs 100 crore week recovery case. So far, the ED has summoned Anil Deshmukh thrice.
Not only that, Anil Deshmukh’s son Hrishikesh has also been summoned. The duo was asked to appear for questioning at the ED’s zonal office in south Mumbai but the father and son refused each time. Anil Deshmukh’s wife Aarti Deshmukh was also summoned last week but she too refused to come on the pretext of aging and health. In view of this, the ED raided the ancestral residence at two of Anil Deshmukh’s hideouts last Sunday in search of him but he could not be found and now his phone is also calling him not reachable.