Nagpur: Green Heaven kids Deendayal Nagar organized annual social gathering “A Step towards Peace” recently. It was inaugurated by Ms.Aasawari Shenolikar deputy editor of Hitavada. Ms.Kavita Sharma President of Green Heaven Group of Institutions,Secretary Mr.Anil Sharma,Ms.Sarita Ogale Principal of Green Heaven College of education were present on the Occasion.
Tiny tots of Playgroup portrayed as national heros which made the audience speechless.
Nursery,KG I and KG II students took the breath away of audience by their marvelous dance performance based up on the theme A step towards peace.
Principal Ms.Aboli Bidkar appreciated students and staff members for their efforts to make the event success.Ms.Farina Naaz anchored the event and Vote of thanks presented by Ms.Sangita Pande.
Students of Green Heaven Dance academy performed pure classical kathak dance under the guidance of dance guru Ms.Yogini Ade,which made the audience spell bound and made evening memorable.