Nagpur: In a significant breakthrough against the rising incidents of minors going missing, the Anti-Human Trafficking Cell of Nagpur Police has rescued three minor girls (two along with their babies) during the raids conducted at Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh (MP).
In the first incident reported under Kalamna Police, the minor girl was abducted on August 31, 2019. Following a detailed probe involving technical support, Nagpur cops traced her location at Suraj, Gujarat, where she had been living with accused Amit Sarvesh Chauhan. Chauhan reportedly took advantage of the girl’s vulnerability and married her. He maintained a physical relationship with the minor girl. As a result, the minor girl got pregnant and gave birth to a baby. Cops, subsequently, rescued the minor girl and her baby and rounded up accused Chauhan.
Similarly, two girls abducted from Sitabuldi on February 28, 2019 and Mankapur on September 24, 2020, were traced to MP. Both the girls were reportedly married to the accused while one also gave birth to the child of the accused.
The squad of Anti-Human Trafficking Cell comprising Police Inspector Nanda Mangate, API Rekhsa Sakpal, Police Constables Rajendra Atkale, Dyaneshwar Dhoke, Manish Paraye, Naik Police Shipoi Sunil Wakade, Woman Naik Police Shipoi Aarti Chauhan, driver Vivekh Shripad conducted the action.
Nagpur Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar, Additional Police Commissioner (Crime), Sunil Phulari, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Detection) Chinmay Pandit supervised the probe.