Mumbai: Noted actor Rituraj Singh, who appeared on television shows such as Anupamaa as well as several films, including Badrinath Ki Dulhania, passed away at his home early Tuesday following a cardiac arrest. He was 59.
“He had been hospitalised due to some stomach issues and was discharged a few days ago. He passed away around 12.30 am at his home due to a cardiac arrest,” a close friend Amit Behl told a news agency.
Singh is survived by his wife and two children. Singh was a familiar face in TV serials, films as well as OTT shows. His television roles include Banegi Apni Baat, Hitler Didi, Shapath, Adaalat and Diya Aur Baati Hum. Besides, he appeared in supporting roles in Hindi films and in OTT shows such as Bandish Bandits, Made in Heaven, and Indian Police Force.
Amit Behl said he learnt of the death from actor Pallavi Joshi.
His death came as a shock to friends and family members, and tributes have been pouring in on social media.
Rituraj Singh starred in several television shows over the course of his career spanning decades. He is best known for his roles in TV shows like Tol Mol Ke Bol, Jyoti, Kutumb and Laado 2. Singh also worked in movies like Badrinath Ki Dulhania and Yaariyan 2. His recent acting credits include Anupamaa and Made in Heaven.
Actor Arshad Warsi shared a tribute for Singh, who was his neighbour. “I am so saddened to know that Rituraj passed away. We lived in the same building, he was a part of my first film as a producer. Lost a friend and a great actor… will miss you brother…” he wrote.