In a stunning development, an Assistant Police Inspector (API) was on Wednesday nabbed by Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) red-handed while accepting bribe of Rs 5000 from an accused. The API has been identified as Vishal Jaiswal of Hudkeshwar Police Station in the city.
According to reports, the complainant Sunil Devraoji Tandekar (39), resident of Hudkeshwar, was allegedly apprehended in a sand theft case. The accused Sunil was to be produced in a court for further course of action. To save himself from the humiliation of parading to the court and other formalities, Sunil allegedly requested the Hudkeshwar Assistant Police Inspector Vishal Jaiswal (37), resident of Flat No. 201, Gurudev Residency, Rukmini Nagar, Nagpur, to take him directly to the court and produce him before the judge. However, the API Jaiswal, reportedly demanded Rs 5000 as bribe from the Sunil Tandekar for conceding to his request and showing favour in this regard.
However, the accused Sunil Tandekar, had a different plan and accordingly, approached the office of Anti-Corruption Bureau and lodged a complaint against the API Vishal Jaiswal for demanding bribe of Rs 5,000. Subsequently, the ACB sleuths, after verification, laid a trap on Wednesday and waited in ambush. As soon as the API Jaiswal accepted the bribe amount of Rs 5,000 from accused complainant Sunil Tandekar, the ACB sleuths caught him red-handed.
An offence under relevant Sections of Anti-Corruption Act 1988 was registered against API Vishal Jaiswal and further probe is underway.
Interestingly, API Vishal Jaiswal was recipient of Police Medal for meritorious services.
The successful trap was laid by Police Inspector Bawankar of ACB and his team.