Nagpur: In an appalling incident reported in Nagpur, two women wearing burqas attacked a woman and her two and-a-half-year-old son with acid at Kundanlal Gupta Nagar under Yashodhara Police Station on Sunday. The woman was admitted to Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) as she sustained burn injuries in the attack.
The injured have been identified as Priti (23) (name changed), a resident of Vinoba Bhave Nagar, and her son. Her husband works as a labourer, reports said. The attack took place at 8 am in Lane No. 1 of Kundanlal Gupta Nagar. Priti received a phone call from an unidentified caller who told her that her husband was involved in an illicit relationship with a woman. The caller urged Priti to come to Kundanlal Gupta Nagar to get the details. As a result, she went to Kundanlal Gupta Nagar with her son, the reports said.
When she was passing through Lane No. 1, two bike-borne women wearing burqas came from behind and threw acid on her. The assailants also accused Priti’s husband of misdeed and escaped from the spot. Both Priti and her son sustained burn injuries near their eyes. She started crying for help. A large number of onlookers gathered at the spot and informed her family members about the incident. Both were taken to the GMCH for treatment, the reports said.
Yashodhara Nagar Police received the information from the hospital. The police staff went to the hospital and recorded her statement. A police official said that Priti did not suspect the role of anyone in the attack. On the basis of her statement, the police have registered a case under relevant provisions of IPC. The officials privy to the investigation claimed that acid-like substance was used by the culprits to injure the woman. A team of Forensic Experts picked samples from the crime spot to identify the substance, he said. The cops are checking CCTV footage of the area to identify the accused women and also tracing the mobile phone number. DCP Zone V (In-Charge) Chetna Tidke visited the spot.