Arbaaz Khan got married for the second time, and this time the bride was Shura Khan, on Sunday, December 24, 2023. There has been a lot of buzz around Arbaaz’s second wedding, but the actor-producer kept it an intimate affair.
Arbaaz Khan and Shura Khan read nikaah at a traditional ceremony today in Mumbai. The entire Khan family and a few selected Bollywood celebrities were present for the wedding ceremony. The first picture of a newly married couple is finally out on the Internet; check it out here.
For the unversed, this is Arbaaz Khan’s second marriage. He was earlier married to Malaika Arora and got divorced from her in 2017, after 19 years of marriage. He then had a new relationship with Georgia Andriani, but the duo broke up for some reasons. Then he met Shura Khan on the set of his latest film, Patna Shukla, and now they are husband and wife. We, at Movie Talkies, wish them a happy married life..