Nagpur: Charismatic Retreat for the Year of Mercy “Karuna Mahotsav” will be celebrated by Archdiocese of Nagpur from October 21 to 23, 2016 at SFS Cathedral Compound, Sadar, Nagpur.
Swami Anil Dev IMS, a renowned Catholic Preacher and the Acharya of Matridham Ashram, Varanasi, will preach the retreat. He is serving the devotees of Christ of North India. The event is likely to be attended by more than 6000 people from Nagpur and other places and listen the powerful words of God on the three days of retreat.
On October 21 and 22, the retreat timing is from 2 pm to 9 pm and on October 23 the timing is from 9 am to 6 pm. Healing service will also be held during the Eucharistic Adoration. The retreat will be concluded with the Solemn Holy Eucharistic which will be presided over by Rev. Dr Abraham Viruthakulangara, Archbishop of Nagpur. ‘Preeti Bhoj’ will be served to all on Sunday, October 23.
Interested can contact Fr Yesuraj, Convener, on mobile +919423635158, Fr. Lijo Mampoothara, PRO Archdiocese of Nagpur on mobile +919923013127.