Published On : Thu, Feb 14th, 2019

Are we celebrating Valentine’s Day in true respect?


Nagpur: February 14, Valentine’s Day is celebrated across the world enthusiastically. But questions are being asked whether we are celebrating the day in true spirits. Its matter of great repentance and tragedy that in present day scenario St. Valentino may be known to the people, but his message is not followed to the complete sense in true respect. The holy day of St. Valentino which should be lived and enjoyed like sweet dream turns into nightmare by unholy, ugly, and cheap approach of few who fails to understand the spiritual and aesthetic essence of love. As a matter of disgrace the present genre is degrading the dignity of love; which is to them fleshy and flashy. For many love is physical rather than aesthetical; thus the rapid growth to love went hand in hand with a revolt against the social institution concerned with this feeling, such as marriage and the family.

Maestro Dr. Vikramsingh Pachlore, Director (Maestro Multiversity) and the renowned Behavioural Scientist, Psychologist, Psephologist & Management Guru, through this write up, dwells on vital aspects of Valentine’s Day celebration and present day scenario.

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‘Every child comes with the message that god is not yet nervous of man’ truly said Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore . But, it is we human who are disgusted, frustrated and nervous by our own sluggish deeds and actions. Whenever life makes us face the grave face of grief and tragedy, we feel life as the futile venture; a worthless thing to struggle for. But, Almighty is great, kind and compassionate enough to make us feel and understand that “Information is not knowledge, Knowledge is not wisdom, Wisdom is not truth, Truth is not beauty, and Beauty is not love.”

Love- the finest gift showered by almighty on mankind celebrated , discussed and defined by innumerable synonyms ; preached, praised and practiced by many in true terms and faith embedding it as true fountain of spirit. This realization, recognition and rejuvenation of love attain its pinnacle, its climax state on holy occasion like ‘St. Valentino Day.’ St. Valentino who sacrificed, suffered and led his life for his deep rooted faith in love & emerged as true devotee of love, his worship for love was selfless and without any biased or prejudiced mind. He dared in an era of hatred and narrow minded zeal society; where love was not only considered as crime but sin. He dared to practice the true art of humanism, love.

St. Valentino emerged as true emblem and synonym of love by his faith and reliance on wonderful offering of almighty. He was firm believer on religion of love which was not tolerated or considered by some hypocrites of his time. In spite of undue pressure and protest, he continued to unite the beloved soul into the holy and scared bond of marriage for making union of true loving heart, soul; he sacrificed his life; for giving dignified status to love and lovers. Death transcended Valentino’s effect into volcano effect; and the message was clear to the entire world that “every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind……what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our deeds (karma) is happiness and success. Its matter of great repentance and tragedy that in present day scenario St. Valentino may be known to the people, but his message is not followed to the complete sense in true respect. The holy day of St. Valentino which should be lived and enjoyed like sweet dream turns into nightmare by unholy, ugly, and cheap approach of few who fails to understand the spiritual and aesthetic essence of love. Love– which carries universal appeal and message of peace and harmony. We celebrate Valentine’s Day to pay our homage and tribute to the great martyr who sacrificed his life for establishing religion of love. Love not only constrained to mankind but extended also for birds, animals, rivers, mountains, oceans, flowers etc. On all animate and inanimate Creations of Almighty. As a matter of disgrace the present genre is degrading the dignity of love; which is to them fleshy and flashy. For many love is physical rather than aesthetical; thus the rapid growth to love……. Went hand in hand with a revolt against the social institution concerned with this feeling, such as marriage and the family.

The crowning experience of romantic love is the ultimate sensation we know as passion. There is need to understand love as the finest composed poetry of almighty. It is finest and most beautiful experience in the world cannot be seen or even touched. It must be felt with the heart. When one is in love, one always begin by deceiving oneself, and one always ends by deceiving others. That’s what the world calls a romance, how pity but, it’s true…..! On this Valentine’s Day let’s make commitment and promise to ourselves and others: not to make, love degraded to lust ,faith considered as cheap dust our needs turn into greed, all reflects our immoral deeds let’s pray for divine love , and fly in peace like a dove. Let’s share, care, admire and nurture true spirit of love and kindliness to transcend oneself from human to divine stature.


Existence happens in two different dimensions. One is the non-dual, the oneness. And there are many manifestations of the dual. All manifestations of the life are fundamentally rooted in duality: like light and darkness, male & female, life and death. Because the two are there, all the games are happening if there was only one, there would be no game. There would be just existence. Always duality is trying to meet because what was one has manifested itself as two; now all time there is a longing to become one again. This longing finds expression in many ways. When you are young and your intelligence is hijacked by your hormones, physical sex will be the way. When you become middle aged, when your intelligence is hijacked by your emotion, then love will be the way. Only if you transcend all this, when you seek union on a much higher level of awareness, then we say it is yoga or the Divine. The two energies which we call male and female are constantly trying to come together. And , in this process, there are certain function nature wants to fulfil, like procreation and survival of the species. Sex is just two opposites making an attempt to become one. The intention is good, but the method seems to some as hopeless. If you are seeking oneness through the physical, you may have the few moments of make believe unity , but physical bodies can never become one. Unless you transcend the physical, there is no question of oneness. “I don’t want any oneness. I am just seeking pleasure”. That is also OK, but you will see it is not enough. A human being will not be satisfied with it. Most sex-based relationships are entered into not for love or joy, but because people feel lost and insecure by themselves. The more you are identified with your physical body, the more insecure you become because this body is never safe; in the next moment, anything could happen. The need for sex increases dramatically when people are insecure. Physically there is just a small difference between man and woman. But, people make such a big issue of it. This need between two biological entities of the same species is fine as a survival process; but if you are seeking anything beyond survival, it will never be enough. Only when the person transcends the limitations of duality, the divine manifests itself. If there is something that you can refer to as the Divine, where can it be? It has to be everywhere. What faculty do you have to experience something which is everywhere? Right now, the only faculties of experience within you are the five senses. The five senses cannot experience anything if there is no comparison. Only because there is darkness, you know what light is. Only because there is silence, you know what sound is. Your sense organ will perceive everything in comparison; they cannot perceive anything in its totality. The same situation is happening with the Divine is called sex. If you are seeking finds an conscious expression, then we call it spiritual process. If you are seeking oneness beyond all the limitations of the body, emotion and thought, then we call it yoga. A spiritual process simply means that you are seeking tools to go beyond the limitations of five sense perceptions and experience the union beyond the separation and isolation caused by physicality.
