After Ajay Devgn‘s Raid impressed one and all, director Raj Kumar Gupta is on a high. But looks like he has not taken the success lightly, as he has already moved on to his next. From what we hear, his next will be a thriller titled Most Wanted. According to Mumbai Mirror, the film will be based on a real life, secret mission that took place in India during 2012 and 2014 to capture one of India’s most wanted terrorists. And looks like Arjun Kapoor has been signed up for the movie. The actor has been taking up intriguing roles, from playing a double role in Mubarakan to a police officer in Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar, he has proved his mettle in acting. And now, apparently, he will play an Intelligence officer in Most Wanted.
Reportedly, the movie will be shot across Nepal and Delhi in a start to finish schedule post July this year. As a source close to the development revealed to the tabloid, “A couple of weeks ago, Raj Kumar finalised Arjun Kapoor to play an intelligence officer and the hero of this do-or-die covert operation. The two have had a couple of narrations and long telephonic conversations about the project recently. Arjun loved the script and Raj Kumar has demanded start-to-finish dates because he wants to shoot in one go without any distractions. Since Arjun has already committed to three yet-torelease films — Vipul Shah’s romcom Namaste England alongside Parineeti Chopra, Ashutosh Gowariker’s battle royal Panipat with Sanjay Dutt and the Hindi remake of the Telugu Blockbuster Arjun Reddy — he is working out his dates. They are both keen to take this story of a terrorist, who was eventually captured without a single shot being fired, to the world soon.”