Nagpur: Nagpur’s famed industrialist and social visionary Arun Lakhani has rubbished the rumours of him contesting the upcoming Maharashtra Legislative Council elections from Wardha Chandrapur Gadchiroli seat. He has denied receiving any such offer, as claimed in the news. A section of media published that Lakhani would be contesting as MLC candidate from a local political outfit Swaraj Sanstha.
Talking to Nagpur Today Lakhani refuted the claims and the denied receiving such an offer from any political corner. He even said that was not interested in joining the politics. He said he would continue to serve the society as an entrepreneur.
With the latest clarification coming in from Lakhani, all the speculations about him joining politics has been put to rest. Earlier news said that the Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and the Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has finalized Lakhani’s name as a prospective MLC candidate however Lakhani has denied receiving any such offer.