Nagpur: As the police turned heat and cracked a whip on hardcore criminals operating in Nagpur, several notorious goons, having their names featuring in surveillance list, have either went underground in other states or stopped their activities completely. Around 2,200 goons have faced preventive actions in the last couple of months along with 20 goons arrested under Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities (MPDA). The police have also slapped MCOCA against four other gangs.
It has come to the fore that the mobile tower locations of several goons showed their presence in places like Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Mumbai, Ajmer and other places. After collecting more detailed information through the informer network, cops have observed that many criminals left the city to avoid getting booked in different cases or face preventive actions. It’s learnt that many criminals have joined their counterparts and their gangs for temporary shelter in different other cities like Bhopal, Indore, Seoni, Chhindwara in MP and Raipur in Chhattisgarh and elsewhere too.
The arrests of gangsters like Diwakar Kottulwar in a rape case, his brother Ashu in narcotics case, preventive actions on gangsters like Raju Vadre and MCOCA on Dekate seem to have left the criminals unnerved. Soon after taking charge as the City Commissioner of Police, Amitesh Kumar initiated sweeping actions against hardcore goons of different localities.
The Crime Branch, under Addl CP Sunil Phulari and DCP Gajanan Rajmane, initiated the process of slapping more than half a dozen goons with MPDA in the coming days. Many criminals also have started sending their family members to meet the senior officers seeking lesser actions out of fear. As police are continuously tracking goons, their locations are increasingly showing their presence in some other states, the officials said.