Bollywood actress Asin recently tied the knot with Micromax Founder Rahul Sharma a few days ago, however the actress is not yet done with sharing his wedding pictures as more photos are still trickling out from the actress’s Instagram account.
While we don’t know where the couple are headed for honeymoon, we do know they know how to have fun. Most of social media seems to be going gaga over the black and white photo Sharma shared with the caption, “Holding MY WORLD in my arms,” but what caught our attention were the backdrops of some of these wedding portraits of the much-in-love couple.
While one had a jungle/outdoorsy theme, another was a wall of roses. The most fun photo of them all — one where electricity seems to be surrounding the couple, which Asin sportingly captioned with the hashtag #ekcheesypictohbantahai. Cheesy or crazy, here’s to a couple that doesn’t shy away from keeping it fun.