Published On : Sun, Dec 22nd, 2013

At the Doctors’ homecoming!


CoverIt was indeed heartening to see the oldies of GMC, Batch 1973 reunite and share lighter moments at the CP Club Lawns. Many met after almost 3 decades, took a glance at and gave each other a warm hug.

The high energy discussions followed by laughter over it were amusing, nostalgic and emotional. They were seen discussing about the minutest past instances of their hostels, clinics, hallways over food and drinks. When a few of them din’t recall each others’ real names, the nicknames proved to be unforgettable. The instances where alumni were spotted pulling legs and teasing each other by various notorious ‘old nick names’ were the most hilarious ones.

Out of a batch of 206, around 130 turned up from here, and abroad. Alumni from places like USA, Australia, Bermuda and Abu Dhabi even flew all the way to relive their nostalgic times again!

Spouses were hushed throughout the do, as the alumni couldn’t stop narrating the stories of the old and gold days. They had become ‘young students of GMC’ yet again!

Dr V Maitreyan

Dr V Maitreyan


Dr Laxmi Rao

Dr Laxmi Rao


Dr Sujata Bhalerao

Dr Sujata Bhalerao


Dr TF Barodekar

Dr TF Barodekar




Dr Arun and Hema Deshmukh

Dr Arun and Hema Deshmukh


Dr Aziz Khan and Meena Patil

Dr Aziz Khan and Meena Patil


Dr Sharad and Devmani Jaitly

Dr Sharad and Devmani Jaitly


Dr Dilip Gohokar

Dr Dilip Gohokar


Dr Harish and Priti Motwani

Dr Harish and Priti Motwani


Dr Ratnakar and Dr Tara Kale

Dr Ratnakar and Dr Tara Kale


Dr Ravindra and Harsha Jharia

Dr Ravindra and Harsha Jharia


Dr Rehman Maughan

Dr Rehman Maughan

PICS BY : Vinay Thorat