Published On : Wed, Mar 1st, 2023

Auto driver arrested for raping mentally challenged girl in Ajni


Nagpur: Ajni police have arrested an auto driver on the charges of raping a mentally challenged girl frequently.

The accused has been identified as Mukesh Sudhakar Hejib (40), native of Gondia but presently staying in Ajni.


According to police, the 26-year old mentally challenged girl stays with her mother (50) in Ajni police area. On February 25 around 9 pm, the girl left home to purchase chocolate but she did not return home for a long time. Her mother searched for her but in vain. Finally she lodged a missing complaint with Ajni police. In the meantime, the girl returned home around 8 pm on February 26. When her mother enquired in detail, the girl said that the accused auto driver Hejib took her in his auto and raped her. The girl also said that the accused did this heinous crime earlier also.

Based on the complaint and medical report, Ajni API Lamture booked the accused Mukesh Hejib under Sections 376, 376(2)(N) of the IPC and placed him under arrest. Further probe is underway.