Nagpur: Jaripatka Police arrested an auto-rickshaw driver and seized a country-made pistol from his vehicle in the small hours of Tuesday. The accused, Satish Arun Thawre (36) is a resident of Plot No 525, Sugat Nagar, near NIT Garden.
Acting on a tip off, DB Squad of Jaripatka Police comprising HC Harichand Bhat, NPC Ganesh Gupta, NPC Anand Maraskule, NPC Umesh Sangle, Umesh Sambhare, PC Sandeep Wankhede and WPC Amrapali, under the supervision of DCP (Zone-V ) Neelotpal and Senior PI Nitin Fatangare, nabbed Thawre. Accused Thawre told cops that he had parked his autorickshaw (MH-49/E-2938) at NIT garden.
During the vehicle search, police found the country-made pistol under the driver’s seat. After taking Thawre into custody, cops seized the weapon and the vehicle.
Jaripatka Police registered an offence under Sections 3 +25 of the Arms Act, read with Section 135 of Maharashtra Police Act, against Thawre.