Nagarjuna Institute of Engineering Technology and Management Nagpur , has arranged Talk Show of Dr. Sanjay S Uttarwar , Renowned Motivational Speaker and Academician from Nagpur on topic “ Role of Time Management in your Success “ Live on Zoom platform. On 1st May 2021 at 7 pm . Now a days students are facing lot of difficulties in online exams and because of which they are under tension. Time management session proves helpful for them to coup up with their difficulties. . Majority of people from Academic field, parents , students around the globe l attend the session. . At the beginning organizer Dr. S M Kelo Principal NIETM introduce the key not speaker and and welcome
Students , Parents who were on line for show.
Webinar starts with the present condition of Academic field. Speaker share present status of academics and students problems with gathering. He gave brief idea about parents expectations from teacher and Engineer as a whole. Organizers express their sorry because majority of online participants didn’t get entry in meeting room because number of participants exceeds prescribed limit of online participants.
Dr Sanjay S Uttarwar is a renowned Academician of central India and in this field since last thirty three years. He has proved his expertise by serving renowned educational groups of Maharashtra and MP.
In the beginning of his career he was Entrepreneur and was having his manufacturing unit in MIDC Yavatmal. In 1995 he switchover to teaching line and has started his career as a full fledge teacher at BNCOE Sevagram Wardha. Later he shifted to Nagpur and has done Post graduation and PhD from Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur. He has served renowned educational groups from Maharashtra and MP in various Capacities. From Last eight years he is working as Principal of Engineering College. He is recipient of seven National and International Level Awards for his outstanding contribution to the field of academics and research. He has visited UK, Singapore, China to present research papers in International Conferences. He is having sixty research papers to his credit which are published in International Journals and Conferences. He is a renowned Motivational Speaker from region and is frequently invited by TV Channels, Radio and Educational Institutes for delivering lectures on various motivational topics. In addition to it he is a popular singer from Nagpur and has performed at various musical concerts which took place at auditoriums of Nagpur.
In his delivery Dr. Uttarwar high light the importance of time management in life, . He gives tips to the audience regarding effective use of time. He says that Time is precious and one must spend it with care.. . Todays students are very smart and they easily understood the concept of topic. Todays young generation is computer and mobile experts . They know how to do its effective use of it but they are care less about effective use of time.
While explaining about time management , he explains about Activity Logs
Activity logs help you to analyze how you actually spend your time. The first time you use an activity log you may be shocked to see the amount of time that you waste! Memory is a very poor guide when it comes to this, as it can be too easy to forget time spent reading junk mail, talking to colleagues, making coffee, eating lunch, etc.Activity logs are useful tools for auditing the way that you use your time. They can also help you to track changes in your energy, alertness and effectiveness throughout the day.By analyzing your activity log you will be able to identify and eliminate time-wasting or low-yield jobs. You will also know the times of day at which you are most effective, so that you can carry out your most important tasks during these times.
For making effective schedule he gave following tips to all..
Organiser Dr. S M Kelo , in his concluding remarks talks about the present scenario of academics which takes place at colleges. . He himself is also a Principal of NIETM..
Later on Question and answer session Dr. Sanjay Uttarwar gave answers to the questions asked by audience. Dr. Raahandale , Dr. Salim Chavan, Dr. Sanjay Badjate, Dr. Ravindra Kshirsagar, Dr. Rajesh Padhey, Dr. Joshi, , Dr. Pradeep jadhav, .Mr. Sanjay Upganlawar, . Dr. Deshmukh, , Shantanu Uttarwar , , Vijay Puranik, Dr. Chaudhary, Dr. Pande, Dr. Varsha Uttarwar and many more students and staff were participants Asks their doubts for betterment of Education sector and has expressed their views during webinar. Audience loudly appreciate the delivery of Dr. S S Uttarwar and gave thanks to him for throwing .light on Time Management.
Dr. S M Kelo express her gratitude towards Speaker and all on line guests for overwhelming response to talk show and propose Vote of Thanks. Webinar conclude at 8.30 PM.
Be specific. Rather than writing “do Calculus problems,” indicate which problems,Be reasonable. Schedule what you think you will do, Take advantage of ALL your time, including little chunks of time such as riding on the bus. Be flexible, use a pencil when making your schedule, Plan to review your lecture notes everyday,Do not forget to schedule breaks,Make use of time before and after class,Schedule difficult tasks for your most alert periods, Concentrate on one thing at a time,Be aware of your best time of the day,Use waiting time,Use a regular study area,Study where you will be alert, Pay attention to your attention,Agree with living mates, Get off the phone, Learn to say no,Call ahead, Do just one more thing,Notice how others misuse your time.Be realistic in your expectations of yourself.
In his lucid delivery he explains the meaning of Procrastination to audience with examples. Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task, which needs to be accomplished. This can lead to feelings of quilt, inadequacy, depression, and self-doubt among students. Procrastination has a high potential for painful consequences. It interferes with the academic and personal success of students. Sometimes this happens when someone does not understand the difference between urgency and importance. The prevailing belief here: We all have the same amount of time in every day and procrastinators spend this time fully, but do not invest it wisely.Instead, procrastinators focus so much on urgent issues that they have little or no time left for the important tasks, despite the unpleasant outcomes this may bring about. Other causes of procrastination can be as simple as waiting for the “right” mood or the “right” time to tackle the important task at hand; a fear of failure or success; underdeveloped decision-making skills; poor organizational skills; or perfectionism.
Later he suggest techniques about how to overcome procrastination:
Whatever the reason behind procrastination, it must be recognized, dealt with and controlled before you miss opportunities or your career is derailed. Part of the solution is to develop good organizational and personal effectiveness habits, such as those described in Mind Tools “Make Time for Success!” This helps you establish the right priorities, and manage your time in such a way that you make the most of the opportunities open to you.The other part of the solution can be as simple as applying this rule of thumb: If you’re not working (directly of indirectly) to progress your top priority projects, you’re probably procrastinating.And, when you’re doing something important, such as working on your top-priority project or task, and something urgent comes up, recognize that this will take time away from this important work.With proper planning and some self-discipline, many urgent matters disappear altogether or, when they do surface, your planning and discipline makes them less urgent and easier to deal with. This means that you waste less of the valuable time that should be spent on the important things.
And, keep in mind that you probably do not have to handle every urgent matter yourself. Delegate as far as possible, so that you do not get caught up in remedying every urgent situation. To spend life “firefighting” is a misuse of your “important” time. Of course, almost every job has tedious or unpleasant elements to it – it is important that these parts are done properly. And it is up to you to minimize the time you spend doing tedious jobs. He further says that to over procrastination you should Recognize self-defeating problems such as fear and anxiety, difficulty concentrating, poor time management, indecisiveness, and perfectionism. Identify your personal goals, strengths, weaknesses, values, and priorities. Post your goals so that you are reminded of them daily.Discipline yourself to use your time wisely: set priorities. Make a schedule of these priorities and how to accomplish them. Study in small blocks instead of long time periods. Take big jobs and break them into a series of small ones. For example, take a long reading assignment and break it up into several smaller ones. Motivate yourself to study: dwell on success, not on failure. Try to study in small groups so that others keep you motivated. Set realistic goals for yourself to accomplish. Modify your environment: eliminate or minimize noise and distraction. Ensure adequate lighting and have necessary equipment at hand. Do not get too comfortable when studying. Make sure your study area is neat to avoid daydreaming. Convince yourself that the task is worth doing, even if it’s hard getting started.