Nagpur News: An unidentified youth fled with a bag containing valuables worth Rs 60,000 from a young woman from Sadar Police Station area on Sunday. Complainant Yamini Rakesh Ahir (25), is a resident of Plot No. 103, Nandini Enclave, Mahesh Nagar, Dinshaw Factory Road, Gittikhadan. Yamini was going back her home on her Activa (MH 31 EP 1624). Near Bilji Nagar, in front of MSEB Hostel, an unidentified youth came from behind on his bike and snatched the Yamini’s bag kept in front of her Activa. Before Yamini could raise an alarm, the youth sped away.
She immediately lodged a complaint against the unidentified youth at Sadar Police Station. Police said, the bag contained Rs 20,000 cash, a Samsung Galaxy mobile worth Rs 20,000, magalsutra worth Rs 20,000. The youth fled with valuables worth Rs 60,000. Cops have registered an offence of bag lifting against the youth under the Section 392 of the IPC. This was informed by Sadar PI Bansod. Further investigations are under way.