Nagpur: Curiosity prevailed as a bag containing cash was found lying near a two-wheeler in front of Railway Hospital in DRM office premises on Tuesday evening. The bag contained cash Rs 29,500. The bag has been deposited in Railway Police Station.
Security guards of Nagpur District Security Board have been deployed at Railway Station and DRM office. One of the security guards Tejram Sonkusre (45), deployed at Railway Hospital premises, spotted a black coloured bag lying near an Activa moped. Sonkusre suspected something wrong and lifted the bag. He then handed over the bag to an X-ray technician who suggested to open the bag. As Sonkusre opened the bag, he was taken aback to see wads of currency bundles. He counted the notes and found an amount of Rs 29,500 and also a trouser and shirt. Later Sonkusre deposited the bag in Railway Police Station.
The black coloured bag contained no papers or documents to establish identity of the owner. Cops have started a probe and tracing the rightful owner of the bag.