Nagpur: Bajaj Nagar Police have arrested a theft-accused absconding for over one-and-half years. Besides arresting the accused Shrikant Jivan Nikhade (29), a resident of Titur village in Kuhi Tehsil, cops have also recovered stolen valuables worth Rs 20.54 lakh and also detained Nikhade’s accomplice Prakash Matorao Panchbhai (45), a resident of Shevangaonnagar, Umred road, Nagpur.
According to police sources, the housebreaking was reported at complainant Yogesh Shende’s house in S.E. Railway Colony, Pratap Nagar, under Bajaj Nagar Police Station between August 3 and 4, 2019. Miscreants reportedly decamped with 455 gms of gold and cash 35,000. During the investigation cops rounded up accused Amol Mahadev Raut (33), a resident of Butibori. However, Raut told cops that he had given the gold ornaments to one, Shrikant Jivan Nikhade. Following which cops launched the manhunt of Nikhade. Though, for one-and-half years Nikhade had managed to hide from cops by changing his mobile phones and locations.
On November 14, Bajaj Nagar cops received secret inputs that Nikhade was taking shelter as servant at a Chatrpur based dhaba on Bhopal road in Saoner. Acting swiftly on the inputs, cops surrounded him before he could slip away. During the interrogation he revealed that he had given the stolen gold to one Prakash Matorao Panchbhai following which cops also detained him.
For the successful arrest in one-and-half year old case, DCP Zone 1, Noorul Hasan has announced Rs 10,000 each of investing team of Bajaj Nagar cops comprising API Parag Fulzele, Constables, Govinda Barapatre, Gautam Ramteke, Amit Giradkar and Suresh Warudhkar.