Nagpur News.
The examinations of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU) starting in the month of April will have answer-papers with Bar Code. The final decision in this regard was taken by the University’s Sub-Committee. Interestingly, RTMNU’s examinations are commencing from March 5. The old answer-papers would be used for these examinations and the answer-papers with Bar Code would be available only for examinations starting in April.
According to information, around 11 lakh answer-papers are required for RTMNU’s examinations. There is stock of about 7 lakh answer-papers printed on old pattern. It means, 4 lakh answer-papers with Bar Code would be printed containing 32 pages. The space on the last page of the Bar Code answer-papers has been left for revaluation.
It may be recalled, the proposal on Bar Code answer-papers was pending on the table of Vice Chancellor Dr Vilas Sapkal for three months. Finally, the Board of Examinations (BoE), in its meeting held in October 2013, sanctioned the proposal and a tender was floated. Thereafter, a Sub-Committee was constituted to find any technical shortcomings in the answer-papers. The Sub-Committee comprised of Controller of Examinations Dr Vilas Ramteke, member of Management Council Mahendra Nimbarte, and RTMNU Printing Unit’s Kharad. However, questions were raised over other two members’ technical knowledge.