Nagpur: Guardian Minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule on Tuesday directed GMCH authorities to send a proposal to State Government for installation of one more MRI machine at the hospital. Currently, one MRI machine is functional at Government Medical College and Hospital. But the machine sometimes goes dead for days. This results in inconvenience to patients who are in high numbers. One MRI machine cannot handle the rush of patients. Taking note of this fact, the MRI Department has demanded one more MRI machine. The new MRI machine will cost Rs 15 crore. Moreover, Bawankule directed the heads of all departments to send proposals on various equipments needed for their departments. All these proposals are to be sent through Dean of GMCH.
Bawankule was attending a review meeting held on Tuesday at the chamber of GMCH Dean. MLA Pankaj Bhoyar and others were also present in the meeting. The minister further said that currently health camps are being organised in district. Those poor patients who need surgery should be referred to GMCH. The necessary surgeries will be conducted between August 15 and September 15, informed the Dean Mishra. The surgeries should be conducted free of cost for those patients covered under BPL scheme.
The meeting was informed that Rs 25 crore are needed for purchasing equipments for paediatric surgeries. Further, GMCH handles over 15,000 deliveries every year. But wards being small, many patients are not admitted. Hence a demand was made to construct a bigger ward. Bawankule also instructed the authorities to send a Rs 60 lakh proposal for purchasing machines and other medical material for treatment of sickle cell and thalassemia patients.
Vital machineries stuck at Haffkine Institute:
All medical colleges and hospitals have to purchase machineries and materials through Haffkine Institute. The State Government has paid Rs 2.50 crore to the Institute two and half years ago for machineries and materials needed by Nagpur GMCH. But still, the machineries have not been delivered to the GMCH.
Taking cognisance of power bill amounting to Rs 2.50 crore the GMCH pays every year, Bawankule asked the authorities to install solar power as a remedial measure.