Nagpur: Guardian Minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule the other day took the people by surprise. Inaugurating the election office of BJP in Prabhag 22, Bawankule left the party workers and leaders stunned by his speech. He called the East Nagpur MLA Krushna Khopde and Central Nagpur MLA Vikas Kumbhare as modern “Robin Hoods” of the city.
Elaborating further, Bawankule said, “Out of Rs 28,000 crore allocated by Central and State Government for development projects in the city, these two MLAs fetched Rs 1400 crore for development works in their respective constituencies. No other MLA from the city could do such a marvelous task. Hence Khopde and Kumbhare are “Robin Hoods”of the city.
They implemented welfare schemes for people in their constituencies. Many development schemes worth crores were brought by them in East and Central Nagpur.” The cool words of the Guardian Minister slowed down the racing heartbeats of people present and they erupted in clapping for quite a sometime.