One of Bollywood’s most talented and versatile actresses, there is really no stopping for Priyanka Chopra. After making India proud as she turned heads as the global presenter at the Golden Globe Awards 2017, our Desi Girl made her presence felt in the second theatrical trailer of ‘Baywatch’ that has hit the screens.
Starring Zac Effron and Dwayne Johnson amongst others, the trailer of the film is titled ‘Ready’ and this time we can surely see Priyanka Chopra having more screen presence than the previous trailer that was launched in December.
Priyanka plays Victoria Leeds, the movie’s antagonist, the owner of a local club whose business has brought an influx of drugs and murder to a once-peaceful beach.
‘Baywatch’ is set to hit theatres on May 26, going up against Disney’s highly-anticipated ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales’ in a Memorial Day weekend showdown.