Nagpur News : The city in terms of infrastructure is progressing skyward with each passing day. The pace might be dragging at times but at least a certain amount of consistency is seen. Collectively speaking, the city sparkles at night but there is a corner which has been receiving step motherly treatment and currently is far from developed-Besa – Beltarodi. Been one of the hottest place for home hunters who want to get their dream home we at Nagpur today will portray the apathetic conditions of Besa – Beltarodi, based on hard facts, evidences and purview of citizens, builders and the authorities. Nagpur Today explored and tried to identify the root causes that transformed Besa – Beltarodi from a humble hamlet to a half developed concrete wasteland. Truthfully speaking, team of Nagpur Today faced very less difficulties in accumulating causes, situations and versions of the residents, builders and the existing Gram Panchayat. The cup was overflowing with complaints and requests and we were more than happy in gathering the spill overs.
Besa – Beltarodi today is synonymous with Water shortage, Bad Roads, Unlit Streets, Sewer line spillage, Security threats etc. Low cost and less pollution are among a few positives. Water being the basic necessity and considered as the very source of life is either unavailable or in acute shortage. Also the governance in Besa – Beltarodi is an epitome of ignorance. Stories were many but a few that actually complemented and supported the truth will be presented to you in 3 parts.
- People of Besa – Beltarodi
- Builders
- The Governing Mechanism
While researching, Nagpur Today team found that the builders currently doing business in the areas sometimes fabricate certain details in their advertisements.
The truth about Besa: Bad Roads, Haphazard Electricity Wiring, Open Sewers, Marshland against the backdrop of the beautiful concrete structures
Some information procured from Real Estate Websites
Member Type: Individual
Main Road Touch Plot on Besa to Pipla Road Total Area = 7450 Sq Ft. (60’X125’) Suitable for Residential cum Commercial NATP Sanctioned, Tax Paid, & Mutation done. Double Road Corner Plot (East & South Face), Clear Title, Ready for Construction.
Residential Apartment for Sell Near Pandav Engg. College. The project is located behind Manish nagar area. The project near are Besa square, swami dham mandhir, Renuka Mahavidyalay, Vidya Niketan College, Padav Engineering College, International Hospital, SBI, Bank of India, Bank of badoda (Manish nagar), Union Bank of India(Manish Nagar),
Member Type : IndividualClear Title Natp Sanctioned Plot in Well Developed “Process Server Society” with Electric Line and Sewage Line with Abundant Water At Ground Level.
Besa-Beltarodi, is nowadays teeming with house-hunters from Nagpur and other places too. The builders present a picture perfect example of a concrete jungle. With the city rapidly developing into a metro, it is now expanding beyond its original boundary and residential areas are sprouting along its fringes.
The Nagpur Municipal Corporation and Nagpur Improvement Trust seemed to have miserably failed in monitoring the gross violation of construction of building laws in the city. Refusing to learn from their past mistakes, the civic agencies have turned a blind eye towards violations in upcoming townships too.
With NIT soft on builders in Besa-Beltarodi and complaints from residing citizens, the area has been facing acute shortage of water since many years. While officials say that lack of rains and wastage of water by citizens have mainly caused this situation. Citizens feel that the growing construction in and around Besa-Beltarodi is to be blamed. People are at the mercy of water tankers and borewells. This exercise has become a part of their daily activity and chores. The water tankers also don’t come on a regular basis. This forces the citizens residing in Besa – Beltarodi to purchase water from private water tanker operators. These tankers are thriving in the Besa-Beltarodi area and charge around 1000 – 2000 per tanker depending on the quantity and availability.
In spite of the water crisis, Besa-Beltarodi remains the top destination for people to buy new homes. Every now and then a new project is launched in Besa-Beltarodi by the builders. This builders offer 24 hours water supply to the masses. It can be termed as a flawed commitment. Though not entirely false, the builders do install bore wells in the vicinity or inside the premises of the apartment schemes or row house schemes. Due to extensive usage of borewells and wells, the water level has dropped far below the ideal. Then when in shortage, the residents have to resort to the available tanker provision which is operated mostly by private players. Most of the times, the builders too purchase water from other private tankers and reach it to the customers. Sometimes free of cost and sometimes at subsidised rates. The sale of RO water treatment machines are at a rise in Besa. The main reason being the brackish taste of water from bore wells. The attractive newspaper advertisements and banners which can be seen in different parts of the city with all kinds of lucrative offers would look more truthful if it had a statutory warning along with it. As per facts and versions of the residents and builders, the Gram Panchayat has been moving at a snail’s pace and sometimes totally ignoring the requests placed by the citizens requesting for minimal and basic requirements.
Nagpur Today team brings you the various versions and concerns of people living in Besa-Beltarodi. Nagpur Today does not want to blame anyone but will definitely bring to you unedited and raw facts, straight from the horse’s mouth.
In this part we present to you the government’s situation and stand, in controlling the water crisis and providing other civic necessities, along with comments on some un kept promises by the builders, conceived from the point of view of the residing Citizens.
Atul Tumme: I have been living since 18 months. Since then I’m hearing that Besa, Pipla and Beltarodi will come under NIT, but nothing has happened so far. Major problems include Sewage Disposal, Sewer lines, Water, Roads and Electricity. Many customers want to come to this part of the city as they want an easy going and pollution free life. I want BESA to come under the NIT as it will truly improve the current situation of the Besa. The authorities at the Gram Panchayat have been continuously giving fake promises. A little has been fulfilled but overall the situation is very saddening. Being a builder I myself know that these problems will not attract customers. Moreover I am living the same scheme that I have built. So, I have been approaching the GRAM PANCHAYAT, but there is no respite.
Verdict: Wants NIT to take over Besa.
(Rautkar – Name changed, version on condition of Anonymity): I am the friend of a Builder. The builder is not from Nagpuur. I am his friend, so I come and sit in the office to give details to enquiring families and individuals interested in buying Flats. I have around 4 to 6 inquiries per week. I clearly inform the customers about all the problems. I tell them about all the problems. What else to do. I don’t want them to come back and hold my throat. I give them assurances of Sewer, Electricity and Water (Bore Well). Few of them call back later but a majority of potential customers are lost due to the Pathetic Civic conditions of Besa.
Verdict: It is pointless lying to the customer as they also research well before investing Lakhs.
Satish Sande and Satish Raikwad: We bought these Row houses from to Dr. Pramod Modankar and Dr. Vasani. We booked it in 2006, Construction started in 2007 and we got the possession in 2009. We were living in the city on a rental basis. We wanted our own living space hence we shifted to Besa. While it was being sold to us, we didn’t get any information about the civic conditions. On the positives were told to us. Water is not a problem. We have a boring here and situated underground is a big tank. The water is stored in the tank and then is distributed to all the houses in this row house scheme. Only in summers we face water shortage. Then we call for tankers. Electricity outage is a big problem currently. If it goes then we are without electricity for around 5 to 6 hours. We feel that till Besa doesn’t come under NIT, there will be no progress. Water is one reason why people don’t want to live in Besa. Not this society, but other colonies are seriously affected. Another major problem is inter-connecting roads. Trucks and trailers ply on these roads and badly damage the surface. Repairs of these damages should be undertaken by the builders who use these roads. The GRAM PANCHAYAT sometimes does repairs but very shabbily and the road again ruptures and the situation is worsened. NIT should take over and then probably there will be some hope.
Verdict: NIT should take over Besa.
UN Parkarwar: I am the secretary of the Government Employees Society, Besa. In 1990. We acquired the plot and a loan, constructed 35 independent in the society. Major problems arise due to the bad state of Sewer Lines. The lines should be bigger. Roads and Street Lights should be bettered. For water we have Bore wells. Builders are not involved as we ourselves have constructed it. This place should go under the NIT or the Metro Region or NMC. Only then will something good happen.
Verdict: NIT or NMC should take over Besa.
Natthu Ninawe. Lives in Utkarsh Samiti, purchased from Nilawar Builders. Water is a serious problem. Level of water in the Well is very low. We have given multiple requests to the GRAM PANCHAYAT to dig further and give us some solution, but every time they make passes and keep the matter pending. We have to rely on tankers then. There is no other solution. Sewers are also a big problem. There is such a lot of tax that is collected, but nothing is done. Where does all this money go? In spite of people owning bungalows and apartments, people shift from these areas facing problems and live in a rented premises in either the city or Hudkeshar and Manevada. After constructing, the builder is not looking into the problems anymore. It has become very difficult for us to manage. We are left in shambles with no respite.
Verdict: Gram Panchayat needs to seriously look into all civic matters. The builder also needs to intervene now.
Jagannath Bemarkar: Lives in Chintamani Nagari II, Independent Bungalows – Chintamani Builders. I have been living there since 2003. We have complained about the bad roads a number of times. Water in not potable at all. Digging a bore well is not possible as a big nullah flows, adjacent to our colony. The water is unusable. So we have to rely only on tankers. Street lights are not there. When spoken to, the Builder said that his job of constructing is over. I don’t know where to go now. The builders don’t respond. The Gram Panchayat is sitting there doing nothing. There is no response at all. All the time they say ‘YES’. They practically say ‘YES’ to everything. The living conditions are miserable. No water, No Street lights, Bad Sewer lines. I want this to go to the NMC today. We can’t live like this anymore.
Verdict: Besa should go to the NMC.
Sukhlal Umre: Beltarodi, Besa – Mahatma Gandhi Tanta Mukti President. Lives in Besa. I’m the president of this Association since 2 years. I have tried to bring the problems and situations of Besa in front of the Panchayat, MLAs, Collectorate, NIT, NMC, Police etc. There is some solution available at certain times. Not always. I tour the entire place on a bicycle all year dound and I want support and co-operation from the Gram Panchayat. The GRAM PANCHAYAT always promises funds, but whether I get or not, I will keep striving for the betterment of this region.
Verdict: To try and make Besa Liveable
Mohan Anjikar: Bought a Duplex from Mangalya Nagri Developers. Currently living in Besa. While purchasing the property, we requested for a road. The builders showed us the road from Venkatesh City. Then the GRAM PANCHAYAT sanctioned Venkatesh city’s plan. Once that got sanctioned, our road was Blocked. We couldn’t commute on that road any longer. We got victimised. We have to travel all the way through Pipla. 3 years back, we requested the GRAM PANCHAYAT to construct a road for us. GRAM PANCHAYAT got the sanction too. It is just lying like that. No action has been taken. The apathy is such that the Road in front of the GRAM PANCHAYAT itself is in a bad state. What will they repair or make in other places. They start repairs and don’t finish it. New roads are constructed, but the work starts and stops. It’s not completed at all. If they start the work, it shows that they are receiving money for development. Then why are they not completing it? Does it mean that they get 10 Lakhs and invest only 1 lakh? What do we infer out of this? The previous Sarpanch would do something once in a blue moon but this current Sarpanch is not to be seen at all. I am a Government servant. I know how things work. When asked they say that they are doing things. Sanction for Street Lights has already come and it is lying. Meters are also purchased but again it is just lying. Thefts and chain snatching incidents are now rising as bad roads and no lights are a perfect cocktail for thievery. There is a lot of revenue here. 2 and a half years back i gave a request to Mr. Bawankule, the MLA from this area. He also passed the order but still nothing has happened. It sanctions and orders are just piling with each passing day. Everyone knows this is corruption. But what to do? Nothing is being done.
Verdict: The governing mechanism needs to straighten up.
Harish Kangale: Resides in Besa. : Coming to the point, situations are pathetic. Revenue has been generated. The is for development. I am not expecting everything to happen at once. I understand that everything should happen step by step. But they should at least start. The GRAM PANCHAYAT received a grant of Rs. 1 Crore 40 Lakhs. Then a meeting was held to discuss about developmental activities. In the meeting they came to know that the GRAM PANCHAYAT was currently in a debt of Rs. 1.25 Crores. When did they realize this? Why did they wake up so late? Why didn’t they plan anything? Why is nothing organized? They are ignorant about everything. To such an extent that they don’t know what is lacking and what should be done. They don’t know about their debts and about the funds that would be required for development. Crores of Rupees as revenue come in the form of tax. What tax are they charging us for? Where has all this money gone? When a tender notice is given, it should be given in news papers with high circulation. But NO! The tenders come in papers which are not heard of at all. What’s the use? Favouritism? Corruption? This is not a part of the city. This is worse than a village. The GRAM PANCHAYAT works with their set of contractors. Just verbal discussions. No research. No plans. If the work is for 10 Lakhs, they do work worth 1 Lakh and pocket the rest. If they have a relative somewhere, they put a road there. What about the rest? They water is not drinkable. I have suffered from Jaundice twice due to this. I couldn’t help it. What could have I done? Buying water is not feasible every time. Our incomes are less. We can’t afford luxury. Look inside. The Sarpanch is still not there in his seat. What should we do? There are so many documents and certificates that require attestation from the Sarpanch. Where should we go? Whom to approach? After the Sarpanch is elected, he comes and takes us as for a ride. The Wells in Revati Nagar are dry. Some have also collapsed. The Nullah that flows near Chintamani Nagar is causing a lot of problems. The NUllah that should be of 100 ft is of 20 ft, so it overflows. It’s the main cause of diseases. This is hell on earth. We have Balaji Mandir, Aiyappa Mandir, Jagannath Mandir etc. We also have illegal liquor shops. Beer Shoppes. The number is rising. The GRAM PANCHAYAT is to blamed for that. There is no water but there is Liquor. The govt gives them the Licence. The govt. only gives them the licence after it is passed by the GRAM PANCHAYAT. What should be their priority? Alcohol or Water? Why is the GRAM PANCHAYAT playing with us? The GRAM PANCHAYAT should be dissolved.
Verdict: Abolish the GRAM PANCHAYAT; Use money in a rightful way; Don’t work in ignorance.
Praful Chaple: Lives in Siddhesh Sai Krupa Society. Purchased from Badwaik Builders. The builder gave a lot of assurances. He fulfilled a few of them but the Main issue of water was not solved at all. There are 56 Flats but just 1 Bore well. It is not justified at all. I cannot suffice. We have given so many requests to the Builder but he doesn’t return with any solution. We got fed up and collected money among ourselves any installed a Bore well. If there is a power outage, then we’ve had it. Apart from the inconvenience caused by the Electricity, we are made to run pillar to post. The GRAM PANCHAYAT makes us write in their registers. But nothing happens after that. The linesman doesn’t come. Many times we ourselves have opened the DB Box and repaired the fuse. From the time I have come, the GRAM PANCHAYAT hasn’t done any developmental work.
Verdict: Give us Water and good Roads. Organise the Governing mechanism.
Advocate Yogesh Dharashivkar: Lives in an independent bungalow in Besa. I’ll speak in totality. I do not want to pin point at anyone directly. It is the failure of the entire mechanism. (While showing around, pointing towards a Structure and the area surrounding it) This is Shridhar Empire. It is an Apartment scheme. There are 170 Flats here. Construction of flats and interiors are very good. Everything is nice. But there is a problem that kills all the beauty. The drainage system doesn’t exist. The Builder instead of joining the Pipeline to the Main Sewer Line or the drain line has left the water in the adjacent plot of Shubhangi Layout. The entire pipeline around is broken. Filthy conditions surround these beautiful and towering structures. All kinds of waste are disposed off here. We have requested the GRAM PANCHAYAT to do some plantation here. The saplings arrive but then vanish within a couple of days. We have requested for tree guards but aren’t provided. No Water. No Roads. No Street lights. All sanctions are available but nothing is done. When an inquiry is initiated upon the GRAM PANCHAYAT, the secretary becomes the proverbial Scapegoat. In 2008-09, a contractor was given the contract of construction certain roads. That contractor got his firm registered in June 2010. Can you digest this? The ads given in newspaper or the tenders are given in low circulation papers. Why? What are the prerequisites for awarding a contract? The Zilla Parishad has a Roster. They have shortlisted certain News papers. Show us the notification of the Ad. Tell me if they have published it in those papers. If yes, then I will withdraw all my allegations right now. PILs have been filed against Builders. But what is the use? Builders have violated FSI. But these plans were sanctioned by the GRAM PANCHAYAT. What were they doing then? If you demolish the buildings, what will happen? The builder has recovered his cost. He is gone. What about the people living? Where will they go? In this vicious circle, where will the common man go? Since 1984 this layout where I live exists. What has been done? If they show us or prove that they have put just 1 truck of ‘murum’, I’ll atop alleging. After begging of the GRAM PANCHAYAT, they have put 10 Streetlights. There are 2 parties in our GRAM PANCHAYAT. One is at the neck of the other. No one is clean. I don’t belong to any political party but I appreciate what Chandrashekhar Bawankule has done. This area would first come under the jurisdiction of Hingna Police. Now due to his efforts, it is under Hudkeshwar. The population of Besa- Beltarodi – Pipla is about 12 Lakhs. There is no Police station here. Criminal instances here are on a rise. It is not safe here. When we go to Hudkeshwar Police Station, they say they don’t have enough staff. Where to go?
On 15 Aug 2010, a resolution was passed stating that the Besa should be handed over to NMC. This resolution was passed and accordingly, the steps should be taken by the respective gram panchayat for handing over the Gram Panchayat to the NMC. Certain criterion has to be looked into. i.e. population as per census of the preceding year, taking into consideration all these relevant factors and other too. The resolution was passed but no steps have been taken by the Gram panchayat till now. When inquired, the GRAM PANCHAYAT said there is no such notification. At the time of election, there was Sabha held by the MLA, Chandrashekar Bawankule. During which the same pending questions were raised viz problems like scarcity of water, Street lights, roads, drainage etc. Bawankule said to find out if the notification was passed or not. Directions were given to GRAM PANCHAYAT to take the steps. Under RTI we applied for the notification copy and it was obtained. Again in 2012 residents of Besa – Beltarodi in the AGM held on 15th August 2012 again requested for the said notification. And the notification was passed on voting by majority of voters. But till date no steps have been taken. Polpulation of Besa Beltarodi is 12 Lakhs. No police chowki. Chain snatching, robberies, safety issues, fith, bad roads,illegal sale of liquor, no water etc. This is the Story of Besa.
Verdict: The entire system and functioning needs to be changed immediately.
The citizen equivocally demand to bring NIT or NMC to take over development of Besa-Beltarodi and dissolve the GRAM PANCHAYAT.
In the following part, we will present to you Builders’ and the Gramin Builders Assocation’s versions on the above allegations and also the problems faced by the builders themselves.
Tushar Muthal