Nagpur: The Managing Director of Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation Limited (NMRCL) Brijesh Dixit on Friday performed the “Bhoomipujan” of proposed Khapri Station of Nagpur Metro. This is yet another milestone in long journey of the Metro Rail Project. The station is the first station on southern tip of the North-South corridor of the Nagpur Metro. There are three ‘at grade’ stations and 36 elevated stations in Metro Corridor. The Khapri Station is one of the three ‘at grade’ station.
Based on ‘Victorian’ style of Architecture, the Khapri Station shall be an Architectural marvel; a magnificent station in terms of appearance. The proposed station building shall be spacious spread in sprawling area. It will be a unique & iconic structure reflecting the world class infrastructure of Nagpur Metro.
The station will have two covered platforms of 70m length to receive 3 coach trains. These platforms will be connected with subway. The station will also have passenger amenities like ticket counters, Public Information System, AFC, Cafeteria, Toilets, WiFi, Parking etc. Keeping in mind the needs of lady commuters the entire station will be under CCTV surveillance, lady guards, separate ladies toilets, platform level at par with the train levels for easy access etc. Considering special requirements of physically challenged passengers, facilities such as rams, elevators/escalators, wide toilet doors, special signage, indicative marking on the floors for easy walk. The contractor has mobilised machines and other resources for continuous work of ‘at grade’ stations. These stations are expected to be completed by middle of next year.
This is yet another feather in the cap of Nagpur Metro and a significant development for the project. Normally construction of Metro viaduct is combined with the construction of stations; however this is for the first time in the history of Metro constructions in India that these two works are separately being dealt with thus expediting the project work.
Construction of Khapri and other stations will facilitate speedy completion of the Metro project and early beginning of actual running of the Metro train services. It will also ensure multimodal connectivity to the MIHAN and Khapri Village. This station will become nerve centre of development and economic growth around Khapri area, a press release issued by NMRCL said.