Nagpur News : The railway administration has informed that Bhusawal-Nagpur Express, train no. 22111/22112 will halt at Kalmeshwar from March 3, 2014. The arrangement is to be effective for six months on experimental basis.
The concerned railway time table is as follows:
22111 Bhusawal Nagpur Express arrival at Katol-15 hrs Depart. 15-02 hrs
Arrival at Kalmeshwar 15-37 Depart. 15-39
Arrival at Nagpur 16-00
The railway administration has appealed to the people that they should take note of the change and adjust their journey accordingly.
22112 Nagpur Bhusawal Exp Departure from Nagpur 7-20
Kalmeshwar Arrival 7-42 Depart 7-44
Katol Arrival 8-11 Depart 8-13
The information is provided by Public Relations Division of Central Railway.