Nagpur: In a major development that brings relief to the passengers travelling on the Nagpur-Bilaspur Vande Bharat Express, the train has now commenced its operations from Platform No. 8, which serves as its home platform, on the east side of Nagpur Railway Station. This decision comes after persistent demands from passengers and the South East Central Railway Zonal Railway Users Consultative Committee (ZRUCC).
Previously, the Vande Bharat Express used to depart from Platform Number 7, leading to significant inconveniences for passengers. This platform lacked essential amenities and catering services, making the travel experience less comfortable for passengers aboard this premium train. Passengers had been raising concerns about the lack of facilities on Platform No. 7, and their requests have now been addressed with the train’s relocation to Platform No. 8.
Vijay Dhawale, a member of the South East Central Railway ZRUCC, highlighted the plight of passengers and actively advocated for the shift to a more suitable platform. Recognizing the importance of passenger comfort and convenience, the railway authorities took prompt action to rectify the situation.
The move to Platform No. 8 is expected to enhance the overall travel experience for Vande Bharat Express passengers. This platform is equipped with the necessary facilities and amenities, including catering services, waiting rooms, and passenger assistance, ensuring a hassle-free journey for those travelling on the train.
Passengers can now avail themselves of a seamless boarding experience as the Vande Bharat Express is easily accessible from Platform No. 8. The new arrangement will not only improve the convenience for travelers but also contribute to the efficient functioning of the train operations at Nagpur Railway Station.
“The decision to change the platform was taken by the railway administration after a delegation, led by former MP Dr Vikas Mahatme, called on Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on May 16. The minister promised to do the needful and the very next day the train started operating from the home platform, i.e. number 8,” said Dhawale.